Thursday, January 31, 2008

SM Automatically Shutsdown on Signout

Hi All

We have recently taken a few instances where the Server Manager process stops when you sign in and out of the Server Manager machine, or you connect remotely to the Server Manager machine and then disconnect from it. This issue has been SARd under 8688882.

This is actually a known Oracle issue with OC4J as documented in Metalink document 245609.1. For Server Manager, there are two methods to correct this issue. The first method is recommended since it does not involve editing the registry manually and it also ensures that the Server Manager install script gets modified so if it is rerun in the future, it will automatically add the service correctly. Method 2, however, is likely the quickest work around.
Method 1:
1) Make the following change in the installManagementConsoleService.bat which is located in your JDE_HOME\bin directory of the Server Manager machine:
Note the addition of -Xrs. This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.
2) Ensure that the Server Manager service is currently stopped.
3) Open a command prompt, and go to your JDE_HOME\bin directory.
4) After the service uninstalls successfully,
Run:installManagementConsoleService.bat PASSWORD
where PASSWORD is your original jde_admin password from the server manager installation.
5) Start the service. It should now remain running after you log out.

Method 2:
1) Open the registry editor
2) Locate the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\SCFMngmtConsole1\Parameters\Start
where SCFMngmtConsole1 is the last part of the display name of the service
Set the "Params" value to:
(note the addition of -Xrs)
This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.
3) Start the service. It should now remain running after you log out.