You may notice an entry named 'Agent Install Pack 7' of type 'Management Agent Installer Bundle'.
What is this? Well, in a previous post I mentioned that we have two separate downloads for Server Manager for each tools release.
- A large (~1 GB) Installer, and
- A much smaller (< 50 MB) console update
There's actually a third possible download from the update center: a new agent update pack. This contains items that are rarely going to change with each tools release update. Specifically it contains the platform specific managed home installer for all the platforms we support and the platform specific Oracle Configuration Manager agent that is installed along with the managed home.
These items are rarely updated because
- The managed home agent installer obtains the actual agent codebase from the management console, thus installing whatever is current with the console application
- The Oracle Configuration Manager agent will automatically update with the latest version provided by Oracle, therefore not requiring OCM updates with Server Manager
How do I know if I need a new agent installer pack? Should we need to update the agent installer pack we will create and add the package to the Update Center. Navigating to the 'Management Agents' page will tell you if a new agent installer pack is required. For example, assume:
- We updated the agent install pack with a particular tools release of Server Manager
- You have applied that SM update to an existing SM installation
- You want to install a new managed home agent
What if I delete the existing agent installer pack? This software component is treated just like any other software component; that is you can delete it either through SM or directly from the file system. If you have deleted the agent installer pack and navigate to the 'Management Agents' screen you will be instructed to obtain the installer pack from the Update Center.
Since we have not had the need to rev the installer pack it is not currently available for download from the Update Center. So, in the case you accidentally deleted the existing installer package you may obtain it only by performing a new SM installation and copying/uploading the file from the new install to the existing installation. After doing so you may uninstall the new SM console just installed.
The file will be named something along the lines of agentPackage7.jar and will be located in the directory INSTALL_BASE/components, where INSTALL_BASE refers to the installation path of the SM application.