Thursday, March 20, 2008

Management Agent Install problem on AIX 5.3

There has been an issue discovered when installing on the AIX machine. This is a known issue with respect to running an Installshield Multi-Platform installer on an AIX 5.3 machine.

If the process creates a core dump when executing the installation of the agent on your AIX 5.3 machine. Here is the important information from the core dump of the java process:
SIGSEGV received at 0x362220e4 in /opt/JDEdwards/Install/ismp001/ Processing terminated.

If you see the above in the dump file then use this link to solve the problem. Follow the instructions closely and this should allow you to install the agent. It is a fix to the for ISMP. Here is the link:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

iSeries EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server - Change Component processing by the Management Agent

The management of an EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server is handled on all supported platforms. This tips section will speak to the iSeries specific Change Component process. As most know, the process for doing anything on the iSeries (AS400) machine is quite different than any other platform. I will talk to the steps (commands) that are used during the process of changing out a tools release using Server Manager.

Processing that occurs when you choose to register a pre-8.97 version of the Enterprise Server with Server Manager and then go to upgrade your server tools code to 8.97, Server Manager will automatically save the pre-8.97 version into a software component. That software component could subsequently be used to change from the current version back to the pre-8.97 version. So, Server Manager will allow you to roll back to that version that was registered when you first installed and setup your management domain. This is not specific functionality for the iSeries, but is good information to note as we understand what processing is going on in Server Manager. (NOTE: All work for any instance is done inside the agents jde_home\targets\"instancename" directory. Remember this note throughout the processing of the change component.)

Now, what happens during the processing to change out an iSeries EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server's tools code? First thing to note is that logging is fairly detailed as to the actual commands that are issued to the iSeries. Additionally, the return messages, even when successful, are logged to the agents log file. This is good for all troubleshooting. Second thing to note, as with any platform, the processing of changing out a tools release does a backup of the release being changed out as a first step into a temporary folder. This is for rollback purposes. If a step in the process of changing out the tools release fails a rollback will be executed. Now that you have these notes in the back of your mind, we can talk about the steps in the process.

First in processing is the backup itself. A save file is created for both the QSYS and IFS file system related to the EnterpriseOne code base, CRTSAVF commands. Next, if a printqueue directory exists in the IFS, a temp directory is created (MKDIR command) and the contents "moved" to the temp dir (MOV command). The reason for the quotes around the moved is based on the fact that the contents are not copied as this operation could take very long if the printqueue directory is large. The iSeries can "move" ifs objects much more efficiently than copy them. Next, a temp directory is created for the ini directory (MKDIR) and the ini file is "moved" to the temp directory just created (MOV command). Moved for consistency with the printqueue more than anything. Next, the actual save of the system library (i.e. - E812SYS) and the ifs directory (i.e. - E812SYS) is executed (SAVLIB command). Next each of the save files is copied into the IFS jde_home\targets\\ using the copy stream file command (CPYTOSTMF command). Now the backup of the existing system is complete.

Second in processing is replacing the old with the new. First we extract the software components contents into a temp directory. The contents that are important to Server Manager are scf-manifest.xml, system(SAVF) and krnlspec(SAVF). Next, the system library (E812SYS) is deleted (DLTLIB command). An important note here is that if any jobs have a lock on this library at this time, the DLTLIB will fail and the change will throw an Exception. So, make sure no locks are present before beginning this process. Next, a save file for the system library is created in a job QTEMP library (CRTSAVF command). Next, the extracted save file is copied into the newly created save file for the system library using copy from stream file (CPYFROMSTMF commands). Now we have the new qsys system save file that can be restored. Next, the system libarary is restored (RSTLIB command). A note here is that the library the system is restored into is the same name as the original library. Next, the creation of a subsystem (SBSD) is executed (CRTOWSBS command). Next, changing the data area BUILD_VER (DTAARA) in the system library is necessary (CHGDTAARA command). This matches the restored library name with the data area information. Next, delete the IFS E812sys directory (Java IFS file system utilities) . Next, a save file for the system folder is created in a job QTEMP library (CRTSAVF command). Next, the extracted save file is copied into the newly created save file for the system folder using copy from stream file (CPYFROMSTMF commands). Now we have the new ifs folder save file that can be restored. Next, the ifs folder (i.e. - E812SYS) folder is created. Next, the ifs folder changes owner to ONEWORLD (CHGOWN command). Next, the ifs folder is restored (RST command). Next, is the move of the printqueue and ini folders and contents. First make a directory for printqueue (MKDIR command). Move the contents into the new directory from the backup location (MOV command). Then change ownership to ONEWORLD (CHGOWN command). Second make a directory for ini (MKDIR command). Move the contents from the backup directory into the new directory, should just be jde.ini (MOV command). Then change ownership to ONEWORLD (CHGOWN command). Next, get the version value from the PTF.LOG file and set it for the instance. This is so we know the version of EnterpriseOne based on the value in this file.

So, if all the above steps complete successfully, we now have a new version of the EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server ready to run. Otherwise, at any point in the process that fails the backup system will be restored based on where in the process the failure occurs. Hence, there is as much level of commitment control going on as possible. Basically, the IFS and QSYS steps are tracked and then if all these are past then a full rollback should be attempted. I will not go through all possble scenarios with the rollback, but you will see the commands run to execute the rollback the same as the above steps.

Processing the iSeries EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server changeComponent is quite different than any other platforms Enterprise server, but the model is the same. Meaning that Server Manager will use common models for install, change and uninstall throughout the processing of all the EnterpriseOne server types.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

SM Automatically Shutsdown on Signout

Hi All

We have recently taken a few instances where the Server Manager process stops when you sign in and out of the Server Manager machine, or you connect remotely to the Server Manager machine and then disconnect from it. This issue has been SARd under 8688882.

This is actually a known Oracle issue with OC4J as documented in Metalink document 245609.1. For Server Manager, there are two methods to correct this issue. The first method is recommended since it does not involve editing the registry manually and it also ensures that the Server Manager install script gets modified so if it is rerun in the future, it will automatically add the service correctly. Method 2, however, is likely the quickest work around.
Method 1:
1) Make the following change in the installManagementConsoleService.bat which is located in your JDE_HOME\bin directory of the Server Manager machine:
Note the addition of -Xrs. This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.
2) Ensure that the Server Manager service is currently stopped.
3) Open a command prompt, and go to your JDE_HOME\bin directory.
4) After the service uninstalls successfully,
Run:installManagementConsoleService.bat PASSWORD
where PASSWORD is your original jde_admin password from the server manager installation.
5) Start the service. It should now remain running after you log out.

Method 2:
1) Open the registry editor
2) Locate the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\SCFMngmtConsole1\Parameters\Start
where SCFMngmtConsole1 is the last part of the display name of the service
Set the "Params" value to:
(note the addition of -Xrs)
This change REQUIRES that -Xrs come just after -Xmx512m.
3) Start the service. It should now remain running after you log out.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Server Manager Logging - Part 3

Managed Home Agent Logging

OK, now on to the good stuff. The managed home agent, herein referred to as simply the agent, is responsible for a majority work performed by Server Manager (SM). This includes:
  • registering/installing E1 managed instances
  • registering and managing IBM WebSphere and Oracle Application Server
  • managing the configuration file(s) for E1 managed instances
  • starting/stopping E1 servers and the J2EE servers
  • performing tools release upgrades/downgrades for E1 servers
  • discovering and sending log files to the management console for viewing
You get the idea. The agent does most of the work. If anything goes wrong during one of these items, or your just an inquisitive person, the place you'll want to look to see what's going on are the agent's log files.

Logging Overview

Before we dig too far into the log files themselves let's get an understanding of the logging system used. Server Manager makes use of the standard java logging framework. This framework is different than the logging engine used by most other E1 software components which are based on the configuration file.

The java logging framework exposes, and we make use of, seven levels of logging as outlined below in descending order

SEVEREA critical error has occurred from the perspective of the agent. Critical errors are non-recoverable errors and require immediate attention. An example would be a critical problem when initializing the agent that would prevent it from starting or functioning properly.
WARNINGDenotes an abnormal or unexpected result occurred that is recoverable, from the perspective of the agent. An example would include a failure while changing the tools release of an E1 server. It is a significant problem, however, the agent will recover so is considered a warning.
INFODenotes informative messages providing contextual information as to what the agent is doing. An E1 server that is started using SM would have a log message indicating so at the INFO level.
CONFIGNot commonly used in SM, a message at the configuration level is simply a means for logging information particular to that installation, such as the platform of the server.
FINEA lower level message still intended as human readable that provides insight into what the agent is doing. This can be thought of as a standard "debug" message.
FINERAn even lower level trace of debug message. Messages are classified at this level rather than FINE if they are very frequently occurring and either less likely to be of interest.
FINESTThe lowest level of logging. These messages may be very frequent, verbose, or cryptic and may only be meaningful to Oracle development.

The division between SEVERE and WARNING is a little muddy. You may see messages that appear as SEVERE that really should be qualified as WARNING based on the above descriptions, and less frequently there may be a WARNING message that should have been classified as SEVERE.

The default logging level for the agent is FINE, which should be fine for nearly all troubleshooting needs. The agent is much less verbose than some of the other E1 products. Keeping the logging level at FINE, FINER, or even FINEST will have negligible impact on performance. There just aren't that many messages emitted to cause a problem.

Agent Log Location

The agent log files are located in the directory <agent_install>logs, where <agent_install> refers to the install location supplied during the managed home installer. The log files are named e1agent_#.log. The logging mechanism will automatically split log files into approximately 10 MB chunks, and up ten log files will be retained. That means the most amount of disk space needed for the agent logs is 100 MB. The '#' in the log name is the index of the log file with zero being the most recent and nine being the oldest. When the current log file, e1agent_0.log, reaches approximately 10 MB the last chunk (e1agent_9.log) will be deleted and all the log files will be renamed with the index incremented. The e1agent_0.log is now e1agent_1.log and a new e1agent_0.log file will be created. Another file, 'e1agent_0.log.lck' may also be present. This file is created by Java as a lock file and may be ignored.

The log files for the agent may be viewed directly through the management console directly. From the management dashboard (start page) select the managed home of interest.
At the bottom of the page for the selected managed home is a log files section.
Selecting a log file will transfer the log from the remote machine to the management console so it may be viewed using the integrated log viewer, as shown below.
Each log message consists of two or more lines. The first line contains the timestamp, originating java class, and the name of the current method from which the message was written. The second line (or multiple lines) contains the actual log message.

Changing Logging Levels

The default level for agent logging is FINE, which is appropriate for most occasions. It may be desirable to change the level to FINER or FINEST to troubleshoot an issue, or move it to a higher level, such as INFO, for some reason. If the agent is running and connected to a management console you may change the level directly from the console. Located on the left hand side of the page for the management agent is a section entitled 'Managed Home Details'. In there is a dropdown for 'Agent Log Level'. The current value will be shown.

To change the level simply select the desired log level from the drop down list. The change will immediately take effect. Changing the log level through this dropdown is not permanent; when the agent is restarted it will resume logging at the FINE level.
If you wish to permanently change the logging level, or you will to set the level to something other than FINER during agent startup, you may add the following line to the <agent_install>/config/ file.


You may use any of the log levels mentioned in the table above, or OFF to prevent all logging.

I do not recommend permanently keeping the log level at OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, CONFIG, or INFO. You never know when you may need the additional information provided by the FINE level. The agent will automatically remove old log files so there should be no concern of log files filling a disk.

Embedded Agent Logging

The E1 enterprise server and E1 HTML server all contain variants of the management agent. In the embedded form the logging messages generated by the management agent are not typically logged. It may be desired to enable the same logging for the embedded management agents. To do so simply add the following line to the <agent_install>/config/ file.


After adding this line and restarting the E1 managed instance series of log files will appear in the <agent_install>/logs directory. The filename of the log files will be the instance name of the E1 server.

It is very rare to need to enable this logging; that said it may be useful to troubleshoot why the embedded agents may not be communicating with the management console.

This form of logging is not available to an E1 web server if it is deployed to a federated (e.g. network deployment) node in IBM WebSphere.

Final Thoughts

Stack Traces: some log messages may contain stack traces. This information is useful for identifying the source of the message. A stack trace is not always indicative of a problem. The level of the message is much more indicative. Stack traces for INFO, FINE, FINER, or FINEST messages are included to provide more information and is not an error.

Server Manager Logging - Part 2

Part 2 in this series about the Server Manager logs will be a short one and is all about the log files created when installing a management agent. I've already posted an article Troubleshooting Agent Communications that covers in detail the troubleshooting process for a successfully installed agent that refuses to communicate and appear in the management console. This article will simply look at the installation logs created by the management agent installer.
In a future post I'll get to the good stuff -- the log files created by a running management agent. That will be where you'll wan to look for troubleshooting most issues in Server Manager.

The Management Agent Installer

During the running of the installation program the log file created, named smha_is_install.log, is located in platform specific temporary directory. The

InstallShield installer creates a temporary directory named something like 'ismp01' underneath the system temporary directory. On UNIX based platforms and the iSeries this temporary location is usually /tmp and on Windows the temporary directory is identified by the %TMP% environment variable, usually Documents and SettingsusernameLocal Settingstemp.

After the installation is complete the smha_is_install.log is copied to the installation location supplied during the installation wizard.

Compared to the installer for the management console discussed in part one of this series the management agent installer is very trivial. The installer is responsible for performing the following:

  • Creating the managed home directory structure
  • Installing the Java based managed home agent and any configuration it needs
  • Creating the Windows service used to start and stop the agent [Windows only]
  • Creating the startup and shutdown scripts
  • Installing the Java JDK used by the managed home agent
  • Installing the Oracle Configuration Manager agent [non-iSeries platforms]
The installer itself is actually quite dumb. The installer program does not actually contain any of the components it will install; instead it obtains the components to install directly from the management console. This is the reason the management console must be running at the time the management agent is installed.
So let's take a look at the smha_is_install.log from a Linux installation to see what is going on. After prompting for the management console name and HTTP port the installer will retrieve a list of items that need to be downloaded/installed. If the supplied server name or port are wrong, or the management console is not running, you will see an error here and the user will be re-prompted for valid credentials. Upon successful connection to the console you will see something like:

(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install,, msg1, installing Get Scf File List (getScfList)
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install,, dbg, Connection opened:
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install,, dbg, Writing to /u02/jdedwards/agentdemo/List.txt as text
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install,, dbg.install, JVM memory after installing Get Scf File List (getScfList): free=5134496 total=17588224
The list of components to be downloaded are saved as a text file to <agent_install>/List.txt. The contents of the file will vary slightly for each platform. The next step is to download and extract the components contained within.

(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Entering Function : Expand Remote Jars
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Expand Remote Jars : File List to download:/u02/jdedwards/agentdemo/List.txt
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Expand Remote Jars : Destination :/u02/jdedwards/agentdemo
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:44 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Extracting remote jar '' to '/u02/jdedwards/agentdemo'
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:45 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Copying remote file :
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:45 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Header Field: attachment; filename=config/
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:46 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Extracting remote jar '' to '/u02/jdedwards/agentdemo'
(Jan 25, 2008 12:53:48 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Extracting remote jar '' to '/u02/jdedwards/agentdemo'
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Copying remote file :
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Header Field: attachment; filename=bin/startAgent
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Copying remote file :
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Header Field: attachment; filename=bin/stopAgent
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Copying remote file :
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Header Field: attachment; filename=bin/restartAgent
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:01 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Copying remote file :
(Jan 25, 2008 12:54:02 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfha.event.InstallScript, dbg, Header Field: attachment; filename=bin/rte.jacl
The remaining steps performed by the installer are related to setting some permissions on the installed JDK (UNIX based platforms) and to start the management console. On windows you would see an additional step to invoke the installManagementAgent.bat script to create the Windows service for the managed home agent.
The final step is to remove the List.txt file downloaded earlier and start up the managed home agent. Pretty simple, eh?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Server Manager Logging - Part 1

Server Manager has log files. A lot of 'em in fact. There, I said it.

So where do you go when something in SM isn't working just right? We spent considerable time attempting to log often and use meaningful messages within SM. That said it is a distributed architecture with components contained on the console machine, agents installed on remote machines, and more agents built into the E1 products themselves. This post will help you identify which logs you should be looking at, where they are, how to configure them, and what to look for. For the sake of being able to finish the article eventually I'll just focus on the SM logs.

Throughout this post I'll be referring to some common paths.
<console_install> - Refers to the location supplied during the installation of the management console.

Installation Logs - Management Console

We begin with looking at the log files generated during the installation of the management console. These can be helpful if there are problems installing the management console application. Once the console is successfully installed and you are able to sign-in to the web application these logs are no longer relevant for any purpose and may be removed, if desired.

The management console is installed using an InstallShield based installer. This installer is responsible for creating the <console_install> directory, extracting all the component files that make up SM, configuring the integrated J2EE server, and deploying the management console web application.

The primary log created by the installer is located in <console_install>logssmmc_install.log. This is the first place you should look if you are having problems installing the management console. This log will probably go down as the most cryptic of the log files to analyze but somewhere in there is good information. One thing to note is if something goes wrong during the installation the installer will roll back the changes already made. This may result in error messages and other possibly confusing messages in the log file. In the case of a failed installation you want to find the first thing that went wrong in the log file before it started rolling back the installation.

The bulk of the messages in the smmc_install.log file will detail the extraction of files from the installer application to the <console_install> location. Near the end the installer performs the configuration of the J2EE container and deploys the management console application. The first task is to configure the administrative user for the J2EE container using the credentials provided during the installer wizard. The smmc_install.log will contain the following lines:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:14 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, dbg.install, JVM memory before installing Exec Action (execJaznJar): free=9241864 total=23748608
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:14 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, msg1, installing Exec Action (execJaznJar)
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:16 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, dbg.install, JVM memory after installing Exec Action (execJaznJar): free=9833152 total=23748608

At the same time two new log files will appear in <console_install>logs: jazn_stdout.log and jazn_stderr.log. These are the stdout and stderr output from running commands contained in the jazn.jar java application delivered with the J2EE container. The stderr file should be empty. Any content in the file is indicative of an error and will cause the installation to fail. If the jazn_stderr.log file is not empty you should investigate the cause of any errors detailed within.

The next step performed is to install the Windows service used to start and stop the management console. This is performed by running the delivered script <console_install>bininstallManagementConsoleService.bat. The following lines in the smmc_install.log file indicate when this batch file is called:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:16 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, dbg.install, JVM memory before installing Exec Action (execInstService): free=9809880 total=23748608
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:16 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, msg1, installing Exec Action (execInstService)
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:17 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, dbg.install, JVM memory after installing Exec Action (execInstService): free=9552496 total=23748608
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:17 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Beginning the onInstalledOc4jExecComp method.

The installManagementConsoleService.bat creates a log file named <console_install>logsinstallManagementConsole.log. The contents will look something like:

[2008-01-24 14:50:41] [1206 prunsrv.c] [debug] Procrun log initialized
[2008-01-24 14:50:41] [496 prunsrv.c] [debug] Installing service...
[2008-01-24 14:50:41] [info] Service SCFMngmtConsole3 name SCF Management Console [D:servermanagerdemosystem] - SCFMngmtConsole3
[2008-01-24 14:50:42] [538 prunsrv.c] [debug] Setting service description SCF Management Console
[2008-01-24 14:50:42] [info] Service SCFMngmtConsole3 installed
[2008-01-24 14:50:42] [info] Procrun finished.

Now that the J2EE server has been configured with the administrative password and the Windows service created its time to start the container. The batch file <console_install>binstartManagementConsole.bat is invoked and you will see lines along the lines of:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:17 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Command to run is: d:servermanagerdemosystem/bin/startManagementConsole.bat
(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:20 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Return code is: 0

The output of the startManagementConsole.bat is written to the log file <console_install>logsMCDeploy_stdout.log. The first two lines of the file will contain something like:

The SM Management Console [D:servermanagerdemosystem] - SCFMngmtConsole4 service is starting.
The SM Management Console [D:servermanagerdemosystem] - SCFMngmtConsole4 service was started successfully.

It may take a while for the J2EE container to fully start up. To ensure the container is actually running before the management console application is deployed the installer will repeatedly run a command line program that will check if the server is actually running. You will see this in the log file:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:40:30 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Command to run is: d:servermanagerdemosystem/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar d:servermanagerdemosystem/targets/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:24795 oc4jadmin ******** -validateURI
(Jul 31, 2007 12:41:24 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Return code is: 0

The installer will be looking for a success message emitted by the program run. If not found it will wait a bit and re-run the command, eventually giving up. The responses are appended to the MCDeploy_stdout.log. The success message looks like

URI deployer:oc4j:localhost:24795 is valid and connected

Once the J2EE container is validated as running the management console application is deployed to it. The deployment is performed through a command line program, the running of which is shown below:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:41:24 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Command to run is: d:servermanagerdemosystem/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar d:servermanagerdemosystem/targets/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:24795 oc4jadmin ******** -deploy -file d:servermanagerdemosystem/_stage/ManagementConsole_WAR.ear -deploymentName ManagementConsole -bindAllWebApps
(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Return code is: 0
(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install, com.installshield.scfmc.event.InstallScript, msg1, Deployment succeeded for MC.

The output of the deployment operations are also appended to MCDeploy_stdout.log and should look something like:

07/07/31 12:41:26 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:26 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:27 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:27 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:27 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:27 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:28 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:28 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:28 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:29 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:29 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:29 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:29 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:30 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:30 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:30 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:30 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:31 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:31 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:31 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:31 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:32 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:32 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:32 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Uploading file ManagementConsole.ear ...
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Application Deployer for ManagementConsole STARTS.
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Copy the archive to D:servermanagerdemosystemtargetsoc4jj2eehomeapplicationsManagementConsole.ear
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Initialize D:servermanagerdemosystemtargetsoc4jj2eehomeapplicationsManagementConsole.ear begins...
07/07/31 12:41:33 Notification ==>Unpacking ManagementConsole.ear
07/07/31 12:41:34 Notification ==>Done unpacking ManagementConsole.ear
07/07/31 12:41:35 Notification ==>Unpacking ManagementConsole_WAR.war
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Done unpacking ManagementConsole_WAR.war
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initialize D:servermanagerdemosystemtargetsoc4jj2eehomeapplicationsManagementConsole.ear ends...
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Starting application : ManagementConsole
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initializing ClassLoader(s)
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initializing EJB container
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Loading connector(s)
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Starting up resource adapters
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initializing EJB sessions
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Committing ClassLoader(s)
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initialize ManagementConsole_WAR begins...
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Initialize ManagementConsole_WAR ends...
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Started application : ManagementConsole
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site begins...
07/07/31 12:41:44 Notification ==>Binding ManagementConsole_WAR web-module for application ManagementConsole to site default-web-site under context root /manage
07/07/31 12:41:45 Notification ==>Initializing Servlet: com.jdedwards.mgmt.web.ConsoleInit for web application ManagementConsole_WAR
07/07/31 12:41:58 Notification ==>Initializing Servlet: oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXServlet for web application ManagementConsole_WAR
07/07/31 12:41:59 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site ends...
07/07/31 12:41:59 Notification ==>Application Deployer for ManagementConsole COMPLETES. Operation time: 25813 msecs

Any errors or problems that occur during the startup, running validation, and deployment will appear in the log file <console_install>logsMCDeploy_stderr.log. The installer will check if there are any errors contained within this file and if so terminate and rollback the installation, as shown below:

(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32ProductServiceImpl, msg1, installing Log File Error Check (logFileErrCheck)
(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install,, msg1, Beginning stderr log checks.
(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install,, msg1, Checking for errors in: D:servermanagerdemosystemlogsMCDeploy_stderr.log
(Jul 31, 2007 12:42:00 PM), Install,, msg1, No errors in the stderr logs, continuing the installation.

In case you forgot the information you entered, such as the HTTP port to use for the management console, a readme.txt file is created in the <console_install> directory. After creating the readme.txt file the installation is essentially complete.

Next Time

Now that we have the management console installed it's time to start installing some management agents, and looking at their log files.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some Kind Words on 8.97

I'm always willing to publish kind words about Server Manager. Check out this post from Andrews Consulting Group:

Oracle Delivers Cool Tools for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne